Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Your source to Apply for Disability On-Your-Own and Receive Social Security Benefits in Just Four (4) Months!

 Welcome to my Blog, and join me on a passage through an experience of being told you are now disabled -- and the process of becoming officially disabled -- and the need of emotional, spiritual, and financial support.

   LEARN how to handle your disability situation while applying ONLINE for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, and being approved applying the "first time on-your-own" without hiring an attorney or advocate...and NO appeals, NO courtrooms, NO judges, etc. 

   Be at peace and receive ALL of your SSDI benefits, while not being able to work due to your disability. You paid your FICA taxes for Social Security Disability Insurance (i.e., the first paycheck you ever received as a teenager had FICA taken out), which is no different than paying for regular insurance -- when in need -- use it. SSDI is not a handout from the government, remember you paid into it.

For more information go to:

   You will easily learn how to apply on your own "STEP by STEP" for your Social Security Disability Insurance. It is NOT a difficult application to complete. I was able to complete it in between major brain surgeries, and my condition was NOT a Social Security exception of: Quick Disability Determinations or Compassionate Allowance Case. It was a basic case, but I was able to work diligently through the system and received my benefits in four (4) months. My passion is to help others keep their money -- learn how to apply successfully -- and have peace of mind while waiting for your Social Security: The Notice of Award.

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